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CBHS Parent Newsflash 4-22-13


Headline News

The School Committee will be making their final review on the budget (7pm at CBHS, 4/23) before passing it along to the City Council. May 14th will be the public referendum.

 The April Parent Advisory Group will be THIS Tuesday night, April 23rd (still from 5:30-7pm). Agenda items will include the Expansion, the school budget, the PAG Budget for 2013-2014 and Parent Advisory Councils.

Wednesday 11:05 dismissal

Make it Happen” Students to UMO

The Spring Moth is THIS Friday night, April 26th from 7:00-8:30. The theme is “Adventure and Misadventure.” All are welcome to tell a story or just be entertained. Dessert and beverage pot luck.

 Also Friday: Grades Close for Progress Reports. Spring Intensive Grades viewable online.

8:30-1:30: Sophs to USM “Thinking Matters” Conference


Mon – 4/29 – 9th Walls Down

4/29 – Juniors to Bates and St Jo’s

5/2 – Progress Reports Mailed

5/2 – Sustain ME Culmination

5/3-4 – All in the Timing – Spring Play

5/4 – SAT’s

5/6 – AP Env. Science Exam

5/8 – GSA Pride Day

5/9 – AP English Exam

5/9 – NHS Spring Induction

5/10 – Crew Talent Competition

5/11 – CBHS Prom

Parent Workshops

The Maine Parent Federation, in collaboration with Portland Public Schools, is sponsoring a series of workshops for parents and guardians involved in the special education process or Section 504 process with their child(ren).   Below is a flyer with information about the workshop series.  We started this series on April 3rd with an introductory session, but would love to have parents continue to join us as they are able.

Parent Leadership Flyer

Deb Mullis

Asst Dir of Student Support Services

(207) 874-8134

Project Graduation – Yard Sale – May 4th

It’s time for that Spring Cleaning, now that the light of day has returned, and we can all see the debris scattered throughout our houses and basements! And great timing, since we are holding a giant Yard Sale to benefit Project Graduation for the senior class!

It is happening on Saturday May 4th (rain date May 11) from 9 to 2pm on the front lawn of Lincoln Middle School on Stevens Avenue. You can bring your items there from 7:30 on, or leave them ahead of time with me at 27 Norwood Street just off Woodfords. We would particularly love some furniture, bikes, or other large items in decent condition. We also need long tables, extra pairs of hands, and bakers of breads, muffins & cookies.

Please email me about any of these ways you can help, or leave a message at 774-9004.

Thanks in advance!

Margo Dittmer (mother of Will Monaco ’13)

Yard Sale flyer2

\Yearbooks: Students can purchase the yearbook online by going to @ybpay.lifetouch.com

and using the yearbook id code: 11332713

Or they can buy one at school from Mr. Nichols with cash or check made out to CBHS. The price is $25 (for pre-order). If your student receives free/reduced lunch, the price is $10 but must be purchased at school.

Other Select Student Announcements

The annual Crew Talent and Variety Show is coming up two weeks from this Friday, May 10th. Acts may take no more than 5 minutes, be PG-13 and all crew members must be involved. Start preparing.

Intensives students and teachers: Please get any newsletter submissions and photos electronically to Ms. Kierstead and Mr. Pierce by the end of the day.

Seniors: One senior-created piece of writing will be read or performed at graduation. To be considered, any senior may submit a piece of writing by THIS FRIDAY April 26TH to Mr. Pierce. (DEADLINE EXTENDED) Parents, students, and staff on the Graduation Committee will review submissions and make the choice.

Poetry and Spoken Word Students: See Mr. Pierce to collect your writing and feedback. Let him know this week if you would like to participate in the Exceeds performance opportunities at Port Veritas and First Friday.

Art Wednesdays in May: This is a call out to students who like to paint, draw or collage: come decorate a wooden mirror frame to be auctioned next fall to raise money for Painting For A Purpose (www.paintingforapurpose.net). PFP is a local organization that funds grants to Portland public school students to make a difference in their community. (PFP helped fund the garden at CBHS).

The group will meet Wednesdays after school with artists/parents to complete the project. All materials provided.

Start date: NEXT Wednesday, May 1st, 1-2:30

A sign up sheet is posted in the great space.

Questions? Contact Penny Sarvis (pjsarvis@gmail.com) or Elizabeth Szatkowski (Elizabeth.Szatkowski@opportunityalliance.org)

Sophomore Students are invited to apply for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) conference. See Mr. Hale or Ms. Doyle for an application. They are due TODAY April 22nd.


2:30 – Cabinet and 3:30 – Yoga

Friday – Crew at the End of the Day

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