Headline News
Spring Trimester Progress Report grades will be viewable online by Thursday.
The school budget is now in the hands of the City Council. May 14th will be the public referendum. We are still ½ teacher short of what we need.
Thank you Parent Advisory Group for providing $250 additional money for the second place finisher in the Student Choice Grant: fitness equipment. Members of Cabinet will be purchasing the equipment soon.
Thursday – 9th Grade Sustain ME Culmination – Parents and loved ones welcome
9-11 – 9th Grade Culmination at CBHS
12-2 – 9th Grade Culmination at 1 Longfellow Square
6pm – Senior Humanities Cafe Night (library)
Come see the CBHS spring play this weekend – David Ives’ hilarious All in the Timing – Friday at 6pm and Saturday at 7pm in the Dance Studio.
All juniors (or 3rd year HS students) take the SAT’s at CBHS THIS Saturday morning. Attendance is mandatory. (Participating students do not have school on Monday, May 6th.)
PAG is looking for parents to become part of PAG’s leadership team for next school year to help us propel the school forward as we grow. Several key PAG positions are open, including treasurer, secretary, co-chair trainee, and a co-chair for our biggest money raiser, the craft fair. Please call Kim Crabill at 615-3181 to discuss how you could help, and thank you! It takes a village, and we hope you will join ours.
5/6 – APES Exam
5/8 – GSA Pride Day
5/9 – AP English Exam
5/9 – NHS Spring Induction
5/10 – Crew Talent Competition
5/11 – Prom
5/14-16 – Model UN
5/15- AP US
Project Graduation – Yard Sale – May 4th
It’s time for that Spring Cleaning, now that the light of day has returned, and we can all see the debris scattered throughout our houses and basements! And great timing, since we are holding a giant Yard Sale to benefit Project Graduation for the senior class!
It is happening on Saturday May 4th (rain date May 11) from 9 to 2pm on the front lawn of Lincoln Middle School on Stevens Avenue. You can bring your items there from 7:30 on, or leave them ahead of time with me at 27 Norwood Street just off Woodfords. We would particularly love some furniture, bikes, or other large items in decent condition.
We also need long tables, extra pairs of hands, and bakers of breads, muffins & cookies.
Please email me about any of these ways you can help, or leave a message at 774-9004. Thanks in advance!
Margo Dittmer
mother of Will Monaco ’13
Yearbooks: Students can purchase the yearbook online by going to @ybpay.lifetouch.com
and using the yearbook id code: 11332713
Or they can buy one at school from Mr. Nichols with cash or check made out to CBHS. The price is $25 (for pre-order). If your student receives free/reduced lunch, the price is $10 but must be purchased at school.
Other Select Student Announcements:
The annual Crew Talent and Variety Show is coming up ONE week from this Friday, May 10th. Acts may take no more than 5 minutes, be PG-13 and all crew members must participate. A panel of highly esteemed judges will preside. Start preparing.
May 11th Prom tickets go on sale this week. CBHS juniors and seniors (only) are allowed up to 3 approved guests. All tickets must be purchased in advance. Sign up for guests no later than a week from Wednesday, May 8th. See Sophie McGovern for details.
Congrats to the freshmen whose art is currently on display in the City Wide Art Show at City Hall. It will be showcased as a part of First Friday, this week, May 3rd: Josie Pierce, Maeve Porter Holiday, Melody Fish, Maggie Ruff, Emily Damon, Anna Crabill, Maddy Bennett, Julian Lambert, Ayan Ahmed, Oliver Ellis, , Rowan Hoyt, Cyntia Ntanda, Curtis Brown, Adam Roland, Lona Peter, Hannah Clifford and Mel McLure Chute
Sophomores and juniors: If you are interested in a PATHS course for next year and have not scheduled a visit, see Mr. Hale. Spots are fast filling up.
Seniors: Be sure to update your college page on Naviance with your college acceptances and college choice. Also be sure to check for regular updates from Ms. Doyle and Mr. Hale about scholarships opportunities.
Vocal Ensemble (from Ms. Sawtelle): We have a performance coming up May 23rd, and we will need every rehearsal to make it happen. We will meet at 7:10am (or as early as individual students can arrive on buses, etc.) on the following Wednesdays: April 31, May 7, May 14, and May 21st. I . Likewise, the Instrumental Ensemble should plan to continue rehearsing on Tuesdays in order to perform that night.
Please Welcome Our Visitors this Week:
1) Vicki Gordan a VP (in Business Development, Planning and Metrics) from UNUM will be visiting on Wednesday and Scott Hamilton from Idexx (also a Vice President) will be visiting for the day on Friday as part of the district’s “Principal for a Day” program.
2) National researchers involved in the AIR “Deeper Learner” study will be visiting and conducting focus groups with students and staff this Thursday and Friday.
Monday: Juniors to Bates and St. Joe’s.
The 9th Grade is having a “walls down” today on Monday in prep for Sustain ME
Room Shifts: Bk 1 Croft (Sr. Hum) moves to Haiti
Sr. Supported Study – to Senegal and Afghanistan
2:30 – Facilities Task Force in the Great Space.
Course Registration for next year for students (9-11) should be completed in IC by the end of crew on Wednesday
Art Wednesdays in May: This is a call out to students who like to paint, draw or collage: come decorate a wooden mirror frame to be auctioned next fall to raise money for Painting For A Purpose (www.paintingforapurpose.net). PFP is a local organization that funds grants to Portland public school students to make a difference in their community. (PFP helped fund the garden at CBHS).
The group will meet Wednesdays after school with artists/parents to complete the project. All materials provided. Start date: THIS Wednesday, May 1st, 1-2:30
A sign up sheet is posted in the great space. Questions? Contact Penny Sarvis (pjsarvis@gmail.com) or Elizabeth Szatkowski (Elizabeth.Szatkowski@opportunityalliance.org)
The Sailing Team is having a fundraiser this Wednesday, May 1, at Gelato Fiasco (much like the one for Junior Journey – 100% of the proceeds to go the team.
Friday- Crew after Lunch
Crew and BK 3 – 9th Grade Celebration and Sustainability Build Challenge
All in the Timing (6pm)
Saturday – SAT’s for all 3rd year students
All in the Timing (7pm)
Seniors’ last day for classes is Friday, May 31st. All work required for meeting standards in the 3rd tri must be turned in by this date; only work in need of revision but not returned to students by May 30th can be dealt with June 3rd and June 4th after marching practice. All students must be meeting all standards for trimester 3 required for graduation by June 4th 2pm in order to participate in the ceremony.