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CBHS Parent Newsflash – 5-28-13


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Headline News

With Final Words, the Sophomore Culmination and Family Crew Night, we had an especially awesome spurt at Casco Bay last week… It was made even better by the scrumptious lunch provided for staff by the PATHS culinary program thanks to the generosity of PAG. This was accompanied by a letter (and “word cloud”) of appreciation (See the “faculty” section of the website). You will soon see a framed version of the word cloud (of words parents submitted to describe our faculty) in the Great Space. We are so grateful for our parents’ support! Thanks again, and again – and still, again.

 Final Words continue today (Monday) and will conclude tomorrow in the Great Space from 8am to 9:15am or so.

 Thanks to all of the students who helped our incoming students feel so welcome last Thursday night. Thanks also to all of the students who performed or shared their work at Family Crew Night. And, finally, thanks to all of the families who donated food and support and helped to create such a delicious evening.

 Help Needed in Putting Together the Graduation Program: Contact Derek if you are interested.

 Senior Parents: Penny (David Plouff’s mom) and I are managing the pre graduation snacks. I just need to know what time you want them delivered and to what location in the Merrill Auditorium. If anyone wants to donate something they can contact me at darlene.stjohn@thorntonacademy.org or call or text my cell at 207 415 1723.

 Annual Appeal Update

Don’t forget to share PAG’s latest fundraising brochure with family and friends – like grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors or colleagues – people you think would like to support our students and our Expeditionary Learning program. All contributions are confidential and tax-deductible through the PAG 501©3. 100 percent of the funds raised go to support CBHS programming. Thanks to Susan Webster, Deb Paley and all of the other parents who worked on putting this together.

 Project Grad Update

The suggested donation to help cover costs of the overnight celebration is $20.00 per family, or $5.00 for those receiving free or reduced lunch. We would like all seniors to attend, and if a contribution is a hardship on your family at this time, please send your student regardless! If your family is able to contribute more than $20.00 to help cover costs for another family, that would be fantastic.

We could also use donations of desserts for that evening, and any help from junior parents to help with setting up and breaking down at Merrill Auditorium as well as the Project Graduation (secret) site.


Mandatory Meetings for All High School Athletes on June 3

On June 3 at 6 p.m., Deering High School and Portland High School will hold mandatory meetings in their auditoriums for all students who will be playing a sport at their schools during any season of the next school year – fall, winter and spring. Student-athletes must attend, and their parents also are encouraged to attend.

The meetings will explain changes to the eligibility standards for playing high school sports. Information also will be available about summer programs and students will be able to meet the coaches.

 The meetings cover all sports, including soccer, football, field hockey, golf, cross-country skiing, cheering, basketball, ice hockey, sailing, downhill skiing, wrestling, swimming and diving, track, baseball, softball, lacrosse and tennis.

 Topics to be covered:

* New changes to eligibility standards

*Information on Summer and Pre-Season programs

*Meet the coaches


6/5 – Senior Awards Assembly (9am-10:30)

6/6 – Graduation(6pm at Merrill Auditorium)

6/7 – College Pro Day

 Other Select Student Announcements:

 From the Portland Press Herald: We’re seeking the best college application essays from graduating high school seniors in our area. If you’re particularly proud of yours, send it to us. We’ll publish our favorites online and in an upcoming issue of the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram. Send essays to  communitynews at pressherald.com, with“College Essay” in the subject line.


  • Don’t forget to turn in Project Grad permission slips and money ASAP. Any contribution helps.

  • Senior netbooks must be returned this Thursday, May 30th (or earlier) to your crew advisor. All school property must be returned or paid for in order to participate in graduation.

  • In order to march at graduation on June 6th, eligible seniors must have turned in all work necessary to meet trimester 3 standards in all courses required for graduation by the last day of official classes for seniors, THIS Friday, May 31st.
  • All students must also participate successfully in marching practice (June 3-6th) in order to participate in graduation ceremonies.
  • If a student needs to revise work in order to meet graduation standards – and that work is received by the student May 30th or later, then that student will be required to stay in school following marching practice June 3rd and/or 4th until the revisions are complete. Any student in this circumstance must be meeting all requisite standards by Tuesday, June 4th at 2pm in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.

Junior Crews: Be sure to do your College Pro Day prep. (And read your Naviance messages from Mr. Hale and Ms. Doyle.

Senior Crews: Finish your “crew tribute sentences” and future sentences by the end of Friday crew.

The Cabinet approved adding the Youth Court as a disciplinary option for administrators next year. Thanks to crews for their input.

 9th-11th Grade: At our senior awards assembly (the day before graduation on June 5th), it has become a tradition for 1 or 2 members from each grade level to provide a brief tribute to the graduating seniors through a short speech, song, poem or performance. Please see Mr. Pierce if you are interested in representing your class in paying tribute to the Class of 2013.


Junior and Senior Crews: On Tuesday during crew lunch, please send two ambassadors to your buddy junior crew to discuss Senior Quest and answer any questions: (Shibles/Pierce, Ford/Teller, Murray/Nichols, McCray/Doane, Appelbaum/Hale).

 Acad – Soph Passage Immersion & AP for All Intro

 Come see CBHS authors – Nadia, Charles and Aden – read from their new book published with the Telling Room, Piece by Piece at Longfellow Books, today, May 28th 3-4pm.

 Wed- Bk 4 – Final Final Word

School Meeting – Donaldson and Hagstrom Crew (Pathways: Persevere)

 This Wednesday during crew, select crews (9-11) will be taking a survey about classroom practices in PPS high schools as part of the Nellie Mae initiative. Every other crew is asked to complete a 10 minute survey about technology usage that is being administered state-wide. Access the online link to either survey through the CBHS home page. Crews may choose to complete the survey Friday as well – but no later than Friday.

 Thursday - “A Day” Senior Final Assessments/Classes

 On Thursday and Friday, juniors will be engaged in critique sessions for their oral histories within junior classes. (Classes outside Math 3, Chem and Hum 3 will not be impacted.)

 A Maine TV producer will be making a new show in South Sudan about bringing people together. He is interested in speaking to some South Sudanese youth at CBHS for background information this Thursday during Acad. If you are interested in being a part of this, let Mr. Pierce know.

 Friday“B Day” Senior Final Assessments/Classes

Crew after Lunch

 Saturday – SAT’s

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