All students are asked to complete the following survey by the end of crew this Wednesday, 5-15.
CBHS Parent Newsflash – Headline News
Thanks to Sophie McGovern, Liam, Soren, Mr. Ford and everyone else who contributed to the Class of 2013′s fantastic prom.
2:30-4pm: Future Facilities Task Force TODAY (Monday)– In the Great Space, Students and parents welcome. We will be reviewing some of the freshmen’s renovation plans from Sustain ME.
Our Model UN delegation (the state’s largest!) will be leaving after school on Tuesday – and returning to CBHS in time for the busses on Thursday.
This Tuesday, May 14this the public referendum on the School Budget. Please vote.
Friday is PATHS graduation – from 11:30-1:15.
Our semi-annual Family Crew Night is a week from Thursday, May 23rd from 6:30-8:30pm. The entire community is encouraged to come and eat as well as celebrate the accomplishments of the second half of the year. Student work and talents will be on display throughout the night. (The event will be preceded by an orientation for new students at 5:30pm.) Students: Please bring a favorite dish from your family’s traditions or heritage. Below are the guidelines for each crew.
Donaldson – Main Dish
Young – Main Dish
McNally – Main Dish
Weigel – Main Dish
Hagstrom – Main Dish
Morales – Main Dish
Croft – Main Dish
Loughlin – Main Dish
Nusom – Side Dish/Appetizer
Burke – Side Dish/Appetizer
Doane – Side Dish.Appetizer
Teller – Side Dish/Appetizer
Nichols – Dessert
Shibles – Desserts
Hale – Drinks
Pierce – Desserts
McCray – Paper Goods
Appelbaum – Main Dish
Murray – Drinks
Ford – Drinks
PAG News
The next PAG meeting is THIS Thursday, 5/16 at 5:30. Agenda items will include next year officers and budget as well as an expansion update, Family Crew Night, the Radix Schola and the teacher appreciation lunch. All are welcome!
PAG is looking for parents to become part of PAG’s leadership team for next school year to help us propel the school forward as we grow. Several key PAG positions are open, including treasurer, secretary, co-chair trainee, and a co-chair for our biggest money raiser, the craft fair. Please call Kim Crabill at 615-3181 to discuss how you could help, and thank you! It takes a village, and we hope you will join ours.
5/20-21 – Eng NWEA’s (9th)
5/20 – Final Words Begin
5/21 – Hidden History Dress Rehearsal
5/22 – 11:05 Dismissal
5/23 – Family Crew Night
5/24 – Hidden History Culmination
5/25 – Sam Pierce’s Maker Faire
5/31 – Last Day of Senior Classes
Annual Appeal Update
CBHS Families have raised nearly $6,500 towards our goal of $20,000 for the Annual Appeal!!! Wahoo! This annual fundraiser supports important stuff like Winter and Spring Intensives, CBHS Scholarships, needed upgrades for school equipment, and innovative new programs developed by CBHS faculty and students.
The second part of the campaign, the Family and Friends Appeal, begins this month. Look for the fundraising packets coming home from crew during the week of May 20th. Each student in every CBHS crew will receive 2 copies of the fundraising brochure to mail to family and friends – like grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors or colleagues – people you think would like to support our students and our Expeditionary Learning program. More news next week!
P.S. to CBHS Families: There is still time to donate to the campaign (and receive your CBHS bumper sticker!). Thank you! Two easy ways to give:
- Send your check, made payable to “CBHS Parent Advisory Group,” to CBHS, 196 Allen Avenue, Portland, 04103, OR
- Visit and click Give to CBHS to contribute securely using PayPal.
All contributions are confidential and tax-deductible through the PAG 501©3. 100 percent of the funds raised go to support CBHS programming.
Project Grad and Hannaford Gift Cards
We will run the Hannaford gift card fundraiser for Project Graduation one more time this spring. For every $1000 in gift cards that we purchase, Hannaford gives us an extra 5% back, which will be
used for Project Graduation. If you already shop at Hannaford, this is an easy way to help fund Project Graduation.
You can purchase a new card, or recharge an existing one. The minimum amount is $50, with higher amounts in increments of $25, and the maximum is $500 per card — if you send more than $500, you will get multiple cards.
If you would like to participate, please write a check payable to CBHS PAG for the gift card amount that you want. To recharge an existing card, please write your current card number on your check, and include your e-mail address so that I can notify you by e-mail once the funds have been added to your card. If you are getting a new card, I will send it to you by US Mail once I have received it from Hannaford (3 to 5 days after I place the order.)
Send the check to:
Bob Cave
80 Chenery Street
Portland, ME 04103
The deadline to be included in the next purchase is May 22nd, 2013.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at
773-4292, or e-mail me at Cheers
Other Select Student Announcements:
MODEL UN: All students need to be at the library at 3:30 on Tuesday. We are departing by bus a little later than expected due to transportation restraints. You will be back on Thursday to connect with the bus home. The library must be left pristine! Let’s make Ms, Appelbaum proud. With the late departure, many of you may choose to go home and get your stuff. Just make sure you are back by 3:30. If you need to bring your stuff for school, please leave in the Great Space by the window. Also, please bring in your second payment to Mrs. Kierstead if you have not done so, and any stray medical forms to Ms. Bell. You will not be able to go to the conference if permission slip, medical slip, and position paper have not been turned into the appropriate people. When in doubt, turn in position paper to Ben Smith. – Thanks! Mrs. Perkins
Maine’s AP Courses Online: We still have spots available in the following courses: AP Art History, AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Chemistry, AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP Environmental Science, AP Latin, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, AP Music Theory, AP Spanish Language, AP Statistics, AP Studio Art: 2D, AP Studio Art: 3D, AP Studio Art: Drawing, AP US History, AP US Government and Politics, and AP World History.
More information about the AP4ALL program and the 2013-14 courses/teachers is available at: . Contact Mr. Hale or Ms. Doyle, FMI.
A Maine TV producer will be making a new show in South Sudan about bringing people together. He is interested in speaking to some South Sudanese youth at CBHS for background information (May 30th during Acad.). If you are interested in being a part of this, let Mr. Pierce know.
Jolwes Phanord has created a survey related to CBHS food choices, and he wants your input. Please complete his survey at the following link:
Look for the link on the CBHS home page.
Survey: All high students in the district are asked to complete a District Athletic Survey online during crew by Wednesday. Find the link on the CBHS homepage. The survey is estimated to take about 12 minutes to complete.
Monday: Math NWEAs in the Library BK 1 and Bk 2 (Croft’s Class to Sudan)
USM Accepted Student Day
Tuesday – School Budget Referendum (18 year olds can vote!)
Math NWEAs in Rm 321
3:30 – Model UN leaves
Wed: - AP US History Exam
Crew – Title 9 Survey (all) and Senior Class Meeting (at 10:30am)
Thursday Acad: We will have the first meeting of the Sophomore Transition Task Force in the Great Space.
2:15 – Cabinet
After-school: Model UN returns
Friday– Crew After Lunch/Grades Close for Danger Reports
PATHS Graduation: 8:20-10:15 and 11:30-1:15