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CBHS Parent Newsflash 1-14-13 and Pippin


Check out more about the upcoming production of Pippin (1/25-27) here: pippinposter

Headline News

We had a great Winter Intensives week. Look for details in the January newsletter, coming out soon. Student grades should be viewable online by day’s end on Friday. Special thanks to parents Margo Halverson and Maryanne Lloyd who helped launch a new “’Zine” intensive.

Our semi-annual Family Crew Night is THIS Thursday, January 17th from 6:30-8:30pm. The entire community is encouraged to come and eat as well as celebrate the accomplishments of the first half of the year. Dinner will take place from 6:30-7:15. A range of student entertainment and announcements will follow – from 7:15 to 8:30. Work from various intensives will also be on display, including a student photography exhibit. Please bring a favorite dish from your family’s traditions or heritage. Below are the guidelines for each crew.

Donaldson – Side Dish/Appetizer

Young – Side Dish/Appetizer

McNally – Side Dish/Appetizer

Weigel – Side Dish/Appetizer

Hagstrom/Hoover – Desserts

Morales – Desserts

Croft – Desserts

Loughlin – Drinks

Nusom – Main Dish

Burke – Main Dish

Doane – Main Dish

Teller – Main Dish

Nichols – Main Dish

Shibles – Main Dish

Hale – Main Dish

Pierce – Drinks

McCray – Drinks/Paper Goods

Appelbaum – Decorations/Paper Goods

Murray – Main Dish

Ford – Main Dish

Family Crew Night will be preceded by a College Information Night for students in grades 9-11 at 5pm. A Costa Rica Trip Logistics Meeting for Travelers and Families will also take place on the 17th from 6 to 6:30. Contact Mr. Donaldson FMI on the latter and Mr. Hale FMI on College Info Night.

ACCESS Testing Week: ACCESS testing for our ELL students will largely take place this Friday, January 18th. We will be seeking healthy breakfast food donations for Friday to help our test-takers bring their best.

Seniors: It’s now FAFSA season.


WHAT: Get help completing your FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.gov) WHERE: Casco Bay High School from 8:00am-2:00pm WHEN: January 14th, 18th, 22nd, 24th 28th, 30th

& February 4th, 6th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 25th, 27th

FMI Contact: Stephanie Doyle doyles@portlandschools.org or 207.874.8160

Parent Support Group Series

Wednesdays, January 16 – March 7, 2013

5:30-7:30 pm

REAL School

Mackworth Island, Falmouth, ME

Parent Effectiveness in Resolving Conflict with Teens (PERC)

This is an exciting 7-week course focusing on:

  • adolescent development,

        • communication and problem solving, and
        • strengthening the parent-teen relationship. 

Lynn Schardel, a family therapist, life coach and educator

will be leading the group with

Helen Hoffses, REAL School social work intern and

experienced parent group facilitator.

There is no cost. Seating is limited—

so please let us know if you want to attend.

We also provide free transportation and child care.

Contact Helen Hoffses at hhoffses@une.edu or call us at REAL at 781-6207

as soon as possible to let us know if you are planning to attend.

Select Student Announcements:

Congrats for a great winter intensives week. As you return to year-long courses, remember what it takes to produce quality craftsmanship and inspiring performances.

Intensives: submit photos and writing for the newsletter to Ms. Kierstead and Mr. Pierce (electronically) by TODAY 2pm. Thanks.

Congrats to senior Fatma Adnan who has been chosen to co-host the NAACP’s MLK Day breakfast next Monday.

Sophomore Field Work this Week: Ms. Loughlin’s Block 3 Physics Class should be dismissed from Block 2 at 11:05 am for lunch today. We will board the bus at 11:30 am for USM. On Tuesday Physics Blocks 2 & 5 will get on the bus at 11:30 am. On Thursday Block 4 Physics will also leave at 11:30.. Students must have a signed permission slip to attend- please turn into Ms. Loughlin.

Juniors and Seniors: USM and SMCC Classes start THIS week (the week after Intensives). Make sure you are clear when and where your class meets and that you have acquired the necessary books. There is still room in both SMCC courses that will be offered at CBHS on Wednesday afternoons – Intro to Business and Intro to Psychology. Contact Mr. Hale, Ms. Doyle or Mr. Pierce ASAP if you are interested.

From Nurse Bell: We are in the midst of a rather intense flu season. If you wake up with a fever, chills, intense body aches or vomiting, please stay home. If you feel you must come to school sick, or are feeling like you might be coming down with the flu, please wash your hands frequently or use the hand cleaner in my office. Do your friends a favor and keep your distance from them, too.

9th and 10th graders: Because of Intensives week, late applications to Maine Seeds of Peace camp will be considered, but only through this Friday, January 18th. Applications are available outside Mr. Pierce’s office.

Monday: Snowshoers, meet in Germany during the second half of lunch TODAY (Monday) to discuss your final challenge(s)! Thank you. Mr. Donaldson and Ms. Doane.

Team support: all NHS members must attend a meeting in the library.

Tuesday:Vision Screening for 9th and 11th graders will take place between 8am and noon.

Financial Literacy Intensive members need to meet with Ms. Hagstrom in the library at the beginning of ACAD on Tuesday. Bring your presentations!

The vocal ensemble and instrumental ensemble will be meeting THIS WEEK in preparation for a performance on Family Crew Night. There will be an opportunity for new students to join both ensembles NEXT WEEK.


SMCC courses at CBHS in Intro to Psych and (if enrollment increase) Intro to Business begin.

Thursday:Acad: Junior Internship Panel

Friday – Grades Close for Progress Reports – ½ way point of the year

ACCESS breakfast in the library and ACCESS testing till 11:15.

Crew after lunch… Sophomores to Falmouth Ice.

CBHS Student Film Festival: 7:30pm


We will be starting a lunch time piano concert series on Thursdays. If you are interested in playing and/or singing with piano, please sign up outside Mr. Pierce’s door.

Pippin – the CBHS Musical: 1/25-27

CBHS Pirates Game – 2/2



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