Headline News
There will be an opportunity for public input on the proposed school budget at 6pm at King Middle School on Tuesday night.
Thursday and Friday are district wide early release days (11:05 at CBHS). We will have “Mud Season” School for eligible students from 11:30-2:30. Eligible students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to earn credit. Do as much as you can ahead of time!
The March Newsletter is right here: CBHS March 2013
At last Thursday’s meeting, the PAG approved $4000 to support spring intensives as well as a student grant request for paint for the new outdoor basketball court.
Expansion Update:
1) We are gathering student, staff and parents’ initial feedback by the expansion. If you are interested in sharing your perspective, please complete the following 4 question online survey:
2) We are seeking parents to join students and staff on a Future Expansion Task force that will make recommendations about our space as we expand next fall. Tentative Meeting Times: Thursday: 3/28 – 2:30-3:30, Monday: 2:30-4pm – 4/29, 5/13, 5/20, 6/3. Please contact Derek if you are interested or FMI.
3/25 – Spring Sports Begin!
3/27 – 11:05 Release Day
3/28 – Sophomore Shakespeare performances (1:00pm)
3/28- Future Facilities Task Force
3/28 – Math Cup
3/29 – MHSA Science Test for Juniors
4/2 – Springfield Visit
4/4 – International Night
Local Parent Events:
1) Paula and Barry Spencer: If I knew then…
The Spencer’s of Falmouth were charged with hosting an underage drinking party. Their trial, which ended in a jury deadlock, made national news. They are now speaking publicly about their experiences.
Come join the conversation with Paula and Barry Spencer of Falmouth as they talk about what they have learned about teen parties.
Two opportunities:
Portland High School
Tuesday, April 2: 6:30, Room 304 at Deering High School
Tuesday, April 9, 6:30, Auditorium at PHS
1) Youth and Parenting in the Digital Age – Parent Workshop – see below:
Help Wanted
PAG is looking for parent volunteers to serve on a nominating committee to select and nominate PAG officers for the 2013-2014 school year. This will require a very short term commitment and will help PAG identify key board members for the next two school years. If you’re interested in helping and are the parent of a freshman, junior, or senior, please call Kim Crabill at 615-3181 to join the effort! And thanks!
We are looking for parents who might be interested to help in putting together a brief “Parent Field Guide” (a kind of “insider’s guide”) for new CBHS parents. If you are interested in being a part of this, please contact Derek.
Math Cup Update
Thank you to so many people who have already donated their time and/or cooking prowess to the upcoming Math Cup Night on Thursday, March 28th from 5-8:00. Being a new CBHS parent, I am looking forward to what I have heard is an incredibly fun night of community and computation. Below are some of the gaps that we need to fill. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
We still need volunteers to:
set up rooms from 4-5:30 (2 people)
moderate rooms during competition (2 people)
clean up from 8-9 (4 people)
In the food area, we would greatly appreciate the following donations:
5 more lasagnas
9 loaves of bread (feeds 10)
8 large salads (feeds 10)
4 desserts (feeds 10)
water, snacks for individual rooms
Please contact Renee Serio at reneeserio at yahoo.com if you would like to help out on Thursday, March 28th. Thank you!!!
Project Graduation Fundraiser – Hannaford Gift Cards
We are resuming the Hannaford gift card fundraiser for Project Graduation. For every $1000 in gift cards that we purchase, Hannaford gives us an extra 5% back, which will be used for Project Graduation.
You can purchase a new card, or recharge an existing one.
If you would like to participate, please write a check payable to CBHS PAG for the gift card amount that you want (minimum $50, in increments of $25). To recharge an existing card, please write your current card number on your check.
Send the check to: Bob Cave, 80 Chenery Street, Portland, ME 04103
The deadline to be included in the next purchase is March 30th, 2013.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 773-4292, or e-mail me at caveb@maine.rr.com
Other Select Student Announcements:
Applications for this week’s Pre-Summer School (aka “Mud-Season” School) are now available on the website – and outside Mr. Pierce’s office. Applications and any payment must be submitted by the start of Mud Season School Thursday. See Mr. Pierce if you have any special financial considerations.
You have two weeks to create your crew’s yearbook page. See Mr. Nichols if you need help or more guidelines.
Junior and senior course sign-ups will take place through crew, Acad (and Infinite Campus) this week.
Monday – 11th Grade – Junior Oral History Field Work
Tuesday: We can send 20 to 30 CBHS students to the PATHS Dance performance at noon. Seniors, then juniors, will be given preference.
Wednesday9th Grade in-house field work – Working with Experts
Thursday: 11:05 Dismissal – and school bus pick up.
10th Grade Shakespeare Rehearsals during Hum Time Bk 1 and 3
There will be bag lunches but no school busses available for students staying for mud season school (11:30-2:30 each day). Students staying for mud season school should talk with their advisor if they have any transportation issues.
Friday: 10th Grade Shakespeare Rehearsals during Hum Time Bk 4 and 5
Seniors: The selection process for the senior class graduation speaker will begin soon, In addition to this speaker, one senior-created piece of writing will be read or performed at graduation. To be considered, any senior may submit a piece of writing by April vacation 2013 that meets the following criteria:
The piece of writing:
- Is appropriate to be shared at graduation/
- Captures either the specifics or the spirit of the class and of the event.
- Can be any genre of writing (a story, an essay, a poem, a rap…)
- May or may not be read or performed by the author. If the author will not be the reader, the author needs to identify whom the reader/performer will be when making the submission.
Parents, students, and staff on the Graduation Committee will review submissions and make the choice.